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2025 © Virtual EWG
A first advice we want to give you, read our pages carefully and create your own opinion about us and what we can offer to you. It might also helpful for the application process you have to pass if you know what is written on our website. We strive to offer the best balance between realism and flexibility within a friendly and helpful community. Offering an hours based rank structure along with a range of aircraft to fly on our expansive network of schedules we cater for both casual and serious simmers.
There is no charge to join Virtual EWG. You only need to purchase your flight simulator software and joystick or yoke for controlling the aircraft. After that you can purchase addons to help make a more immersive flight sim experience. Our iGate2Go works seamlessly across all browsers on PC, Laptops, Mobiles, Tablets and even iPods, so where ever you are in the world, all of your data can be accessed from any device which has an internet connection.
Our Virtual Airline provides the best combination of learning and enjoyment. We understand that not all enjoy strict operations and not all enjoy casual operations.
Currently at LIRN, 2 minutes ago